"I played Bill and Ben the Flowerpot men" - An Interview with Sreya

An interview with Sreya, aged 26, Ensemble.

Is this your first show with Simply Theatre?
Yes and I’ll keep coming back!

Did you know the show before you auditioned?
I’d heard of it as the show that started some of the people from Glee in the business.

What attracted you to the show that made you want to audition?
I haven’t done a musical in a very long time and I wanted a challenged. I was quite excited to be involved in a different type of musical with some dark themes and much more modern songs.

What is your favourite part of the show and why?
I love Mama Who Bore Me - that has been on constantly in my car. But the lyrics of Left Behind and The Dark I Know Well get me every time and I think the audience is going to be really drawn into those stories.

Favourite show you’ve been in and part you played?
I played Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream a couple of years ago which was my ideal part. I got to run around a lot and my costume was fantastic - a steam-punk themed military jacket with hot pants and a bright blue wig.

What’s the most embarrassing costume you’ve had to wear?
Many many years ago, my twin sister and I played Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men on stage and had to wear some incredibly uncomfortable papier mache flower pots which would only allow us to waddle around!

Why do you think people should come to see the show?
This is not your usual musical - something a bit different and featuring an incredibly talented cast. I’m really proud to be in the show and I can’t wait for the run!

Photo courtesy of Hannah Bracher

"it's entertaining watching his sister squirm in the wings" - An interview with David

An interview with David Oliver aged 21, playing the role of Hanschen


Photo courtesy of Hannah Bracher

Is this your first show with Simply Theatre?
I’ve performed with Simply theatre before, in ‘Return to the forbidden Planet’, and I also got to climb inside a giant polystyrene Audrey II in ‘Little Shop of Horrors’.

Did you know the show before you auditioned?
I did! I saw the West End production when it was on. It has a great cult-following among people my age too, so I’d heard lots about it along the pipeline.

What attracted you to the show that made you want to audition?
Spring Awakening is very much a show of our generation- no other show from the past decade captures the feeling of growing up so well. One of the reasons for this is it’s lack of censorship- we all masturbate, have sex, doubt ourselves and have bad things happen to us. It’s part of the human experience. The show brings these taboo issues to the table, and makes us adress why we don’t talk about them, and the consequences that may have. It’s a testament to the writing or Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater.  I wanted to be a part of that- I wanted to be part of something that made people think.

What is your favourite part of the show and why?
I very much enjoy the scene with Hanschen and Ernst, sitting on the grass listening to churchbells ring. Hanschen and Ernst are two of the few characters that have a ‘happy ending’ (relatively speaking) within the show. In the midst of the abuse and anguish that their friends are suffering, they find something special. Taboo nevertheless, but it’s something that’s positive. That’s the last scene we see the two boys- we don’t know what happens afterwards. Even though they find sanctuary in each other, we feel that 1800s Germany might not share the same attitude towards them. It’s disheartening- but that’s in keeping with the show, the theme of inpemenance. Everything is relative, and everything is temporary.

Oh, I also enjoy it because I get to kiss Matt Hough- and it’s entertaining watching his sister squirm in the wings.

Favourite show you’ve been in and part you played?
I’m enjoying this part a lot- I still feel like there’s a lot to explore and find out about Hanschen. Where he’s going, what the world means to him. Yes, he’s arrogant and a little overbearing, but he has a lot of heart. I can’t wait to get costumes- I think that will really add another layer to our performances.

What’s the most embarrassing costume you’ve had to wear?
I once had to dress up as a wicked witch wearing tights and my mothers black skirt. Was it embarrassing? Yes. Secretly I loved it. One day I’m destined to in a all-drag performance of Dreamgirls. Watch this space…

Why do you think people should come to see the show?
It’s got a lot more heart and soul than anything you’re likely to see this summer. We’ve got some very exciting lighting and tech in store, and when the admission price is a snip of that of shows in London- you’d be crazy to miss it.


Still not got your tickets? Surely David’s interview has convinced you to get yours. You can buy them here. Get yours before they’ve gone!

An Interview with Ellie Devonshire

An interview with Ellie Devonshire aged 19, playing Ilse

“since seeing it I have wanted the opportunity to perform in it”

Is this your first show with Simply Theatre?
It sure is!

Did you know the show before you auditioned?

What attracted you to the show that made you want to audition?
I saw one of the final performances in the West End in 2009 and since seeing it I have wanted the opportunity to perform in it.

What is your favourite part of the show and why?
Without giving to much away, I love to watch All That’s Known (reprise) because I think the music is so cleverly written for such a sad scene. A part in which Melchior sings we only hear a drum beat as backing which is made to sound like a heartbeat of those he has loved and lost. 

Favourite show you’ve been in and part you played?
I played Joanne in Rent last September and it was the best experiences of my life, Rent is amazing.

What’s the most embarrassing costume you’ve had to wear?
Haha! Last year I played Mrs Potts at the Capitol in Horsham… I had to wear a giant polystyrene tea pot whilst pushing around a trolley with a little boy inside.

Why do you think people should come to see the show?
I guarantee it’s a musical like you will have never seen before. The music is fantastic and contrasts so much with the time period it is set… I’ve worked with some very talented performers in this show and and we’ve all worked very hard to make it as amazing as it’s going to be.

Photo courtesy of Hannah Bracher

An interview with Sam Barrett

An interview with Sam Barrett aged 19, playing Georg

"I also obviously enjoy fondling my piano teacher’s breasts"

Is this your first show with Simply Theatre?
This is the first thing I’ve ever done with Simply.

Did you know the show before you auditioned?
I’d been in the show before so knew it pretty well

What attracted you to the show that made you want to audition?
I’m a sexual teenager and this is a show about sexual teenagers, what could be better! Also i think the music and the style of the show is quirky and incredible.

What is your favourite part of the show and why?
My favorite bit to perform is ‘touch me’ because i love the vocal line, i also obviously enjoy fondelling my piano teacher’s breasts because who wouldn’t  My favourite bit to watch would have to be ‘those you’ve known’ which is just an awesome trio which Hannah, Jamie and Sam sing beautifully!

Favourite show you’ve been in and part you played?
Has to have been beauty and the beast as i got to play Gaston and it was the most fun EVURRR!

What’s the most embarrassing costume you’ve had to wear?
On stage would be my Gaston costume because i had to wear leggings which were just awful (but soo comfy) and off stage would have to be my lime green Borat mankini… (yeah that doesn’t come out often :P)

Why do you think people should come to see the show?
People should see the show because its jam packed of everything good about musical theatre, an engaging plot, awesome musical numbers, brilliant acting, hilarious moments, sad moments and ofcourse this particular performance has an extremely talented cast! I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot of them again on the west end in the near future!


Photo courtesy of Hannah Bracher

Cast Interview and Birthday!

It is no coincidence that today’s cast interview features Emma Hough because today is her 18th birthday! Please join me in wishing Emma a very Happy Birthday! I’m sure she’ll have a lovely time celebrating this special birthday! Try not to get in too much trouble…


Photo courtesy of Hannah Bracher

An interview with Emma Hough aged 18 (today!), ensemble

Is this your first show with Simply Theatre?
No, this is my fifth show. I’ve been in Smokey Joe’s Cafe, Return to the Forbidden Planet, Little Shop of Horrors and A Streetcar Named Desire.

Did you know the show before you auditioned?
yes, I saw it and was fixed on the music and storyline.

What attracted you to the show that made you want to audition?
well, first and foremost the music. it’s so amazing.

What is your favourite part of the show and why?
I wish I was a boy in this show so I could be in my favourite song ‘Bitch of a Living’ (maybe i’ll sneak in) but my favourite part to perform is (as Steve calls it) ‘Totally Fecked’

Favourite show you’ve been in and part you played?
releasing my inner black woman as Mabel in Fame

What’s the most embarrassing costume you’ve had to wear?
a wardrobe. no joke.

Why do you think people should come to see the show?
to see some truly incredible talent from the cast, and become obsessed with the show as we all have. don’t miss out!

An interview with Laura Cox

An interview with Laura Cox aged 17 playing Anna

"hopefully we do it justice"

Is this your first show with Simply Theatre?
This isn’t my first show with Simply, I’ve been in Return to the forbidden planet and little shop of horrors.

Did you know the show before you auditioned?
I knew the show before, I’ve always really loved the music so couldn’t be more excited to sing the show!

What attracted you to the show that made you want to audition?
I was attracted to the show by the draw of doing something with Simply again as its always such an enjoyable experience.

What is your favourite part of the show and why?
As morbid as it sounds, I love the funeral, I think the musics so beautiful, and hopefully we do it justice.

Favourite show you’ve been in and part you played?
My favourite show I’ve ever done was Fame where I played Iris.

What’s the most embarrassing costume you’ve had to wear?
Most embarrassing costume was when I did a contemporary piece about infection, I played a white blood cell being attacked by the virus. It was an all in one white catsuit with veins all over it…

Why do you think people should come to see the show?
People should come see the show because the cast is so talented you really can’t miss it!


Photo courtesy of Hannah Bracher

One word for todays rehearsal...


If you have come from the old blog, welcome to the new look!

The cast put on a truly stunning performance today for our technical team. They came in to start planning fun things for the show. I’m not sure how much I can reveal here and how much needs to be a surprise, but I can tell you that a lot of what we have planned wouldn’t be out of place in a rock concert! It won’t be like many musicals you’ll see so you wouldn’t want to miss it. I’ll see if we can get some insider exclusives for you.

But I won’t lie to you, I was being serious when I said it is emotional. We had a number of cast members in tears today, which says a lot about the ability of our young cast.

I would also like to welcome Melissa and Elliot to rehearsals, who have now been blocked into the show as the adult characters. They are huge assets to the team, bringing with them a wealth of talent and helping up the performance even further. So WELCOME MELISSA AND ELLIOT!

Cast Interview: Sam Thomas

An interview with Sam Thomas, aged 18 playing Melchior Gabor.

Simply Theatre: Is this your first show with Simply Theatre?

Sam Thomas: This is my first Simply Theatre Show and I hope it won’t be my last.

Simply Theatre: Did you know the show before you auditioned?

Sam Thomas: I played Melchior in a production of Spring Awakening at Godalming College very recently so I know the show and the role well.

Simply Theatre: What attracted you to the show that made you want to audition?

Sam Thomas: I wanted to be a part of this production, as I enjoy the show and the music and I was interested with working with such a strong theatre company and in such an interesting venue.

Simply Theatre: What is your favourite part of the show and why?

Sam Thomas: My favourite part of the show for me to perform would have to be ‘Left Behind’- it’s such a strong song, full of emotion and range, this would be closely followed by the graveyard scene, as once again, this moment is full of emotion.

Simply Theatre: Favourite show you’ve been in and part you played?

Sam Thomas: My favourite show that I’ve been a part of in the past would be Cabaret, playing the role of Cliff Bradshaw.

Simply Theatre: What’s the most embarrassing costume you’ve had to wear?

Sam Thomas: The most embarrassing costume I’ve ever had to wear would be tights and a dress, as I was playing a girl - wasn’t my strongest portrayal.

Simply Theatre: Why do you think people should come to see the show?

Sam Thomas: I think people should come to see this show, because not only is it a great piece of musical theatre full off strong songs, choreography and strong acting scenes; but also because this show is full of political messages and issues that I feel should be seen by people. Working on this show has fully lived up to my expectations in terms of working with a strong bunch of people, it has been professional at all times and we have a really strong show that I know people will enjoy watching!

Cast Interview: Emma Harding

Kicking off our cast interviews, meet the lovely Emma Harding aged 17 playing Martha Bessel.


Is this your first show with Simply Theatre?
No, this is my third. I was also in ‘Return to the Forbidden Planet’ and ‘Little Shop of Horrors’.

Did you know the show before you auditioned?
Yeah, I had seen it performed a couple of times.

What attracted you to the show that made you want to audition?
The Music! I would listen to half the soundtrack if it wasn’t part of a show.

What is your favourite part of the show and why?
Totally Fucked, because I think it’s just as fun to watch as it is to perform.

Favourite show you’ve been in and part you played?
Serena in ‘FAME!’ (and Martha in Spring, obviously)

What’s the most embarrassing costume you’ve had to wear?
A leaf costume… made out of leaves.

Why do you think people should come to see the show?
Because everyone is super talented and this is the most excited I have ever been about a show ever, so you should be excited to.

Less Then A Month To Go

The cast has been working incredibly hard and we’ve done a nearly complete run through. Once we work in the adult characters it is just a matter of polishing to make it one kick-ass show!

In the last month we are going to be putting up cast interviews to give you more of an insight into the terrific cast! So look at for those over the next few weeks leading up to the performance!

Unfortunately our student offer has now ended. Hope you snapped up this offer while you could! If you missed out, we’ve still got a great offer on for groups…

So grab 9+ friends and make a night of it!

Remember you can get your tickets at tickets.simplytheatre.net

Student Discount on Tickets!


Students love a discount. Not just because money is short but also because of the pure thrill of obtaining a bargain. Don’t try and tell me otherwise, I was a student once - I remember.

Today is your lucky day! Well actually it’s your lucky 9 days… but that doesn’t have as much impact. We are selling discounted tickets to Spring Awakening for the performance on THURSDAY 2nd of May. That’s right, students can get their tickets for £10 only.

That’s £10! There’s not a lot you can buy for £10 anymore. Gone are the days when £10 would get me half a tank of petrol, or a meal at a restaurant. I can’t even get tickets to the cinema for much less then that anymore. But here we are, offering you a full night of entertainment for just £10! I think you’d be crazy to miss it. But that’s just me, if you think differently let us know how we can change your mind? Hurry though, you can only get this offer until April 1st.

Get them now… tickets.simplytheatre.net

Meet The Cast & Crew


Spring Awakening boasts some of the brightest talent that Woking has to offer from within our cast and crew. Lets do some quick introductions!

  • Directors: Steve Graham and Lee Thomas
  • Musical Direction - Sam Coates
  • Choreography - Polly King
  • Producer - Nicole Rose
  • Stage Manager - Alison Hough
  • Lighting - Gary Oliver & John Tonks
  • Video Projection - Adam Wilcox
  • Sound - Mark Hastings


The Girls

  • Wendla – Hannah Bracher 
  • Martha – Emma Harding 
  • Ilse – Ellie Devonshire
  • Anna – Laura Cox
  • Thea – Rachael Ball
  • Ensemble – Sarah Wilson
  • Ensemble – Emma Hough
  • Ensemble – Darea Ellis
  • Ensemble – Sreya Rao

The Boys

  • Melchior – Sam Thomas 
  • Moritz – Jamie Andrew
  • Hanschen – David Oliver
  • Ernst – Matt Hough
  • Georg - Sam Barrett
  • Otto - Stuart


  • Adult Man - Elliot Griffiths
  • Adult Woman - Melissa Pearce

Welcome Friends!

We are Simply Theatre!

Simply Theatre is Woking’s premier Amateur Dramatics Company. Performing two productions per year in a professional theatre, which are all produced to the highest standard. Simply Theatre aims to create memorable, stirring shows and to give talented performers their chance to shine.

Our current show is the rock musical Spring Awakening which is on in the Rhoda Mcgaw Theatre in Woking on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of May and our cast is full of young up-and-coming stars!

This show is not for the light hearted but it is definitely not one to be missed! Spring Awakening is a Tony Award-winning rock musical with music by Duncan Sheik and book and lyrics by Steven Sater. The musical is based on the controversial 1891 German play of the same title by Frank Wedekind. Set in late-nineteenth century Germany, it concerns teenagers who are discovering the inner and outer tumult of sexuality. The original play was banned in Germany due to its portrayal of masturbation, abortion, rape, and suicide. In the musical, alternative rock is employed as part of the folk-infused rock score.

We have set up this site to bring you exclusive content and a behind the scenes view into our rehearsal process to hopefully demonstrate what a great show we are going to have.

Thanks for coming and hope to see you again soon!
