After two solid days of auditions almost 40 people auditioning we finally have a superb cast of 25 for our 2016 production, packed with talent and experience.

Sweeney Todd - Darren Street
Mrs Lovett - Sarah Jones
Judge Turpin - Akhil Gowrinath
Johanna - Emma Hough
Anthony - Jamie Wilson
Beadle Bamford - Fred Pollard
Lucy - Maria Langford
Pirelli (and ensemble) - Neil Brown
Tabby Ragg - Issie Webb / Elly Fenton (shared)
Jonas Fogg (and ensemble) - Paul Weems

and a further ensemble of 14 many of whom have been principals before for us or other groups - so packed with real talent !

Samantha Foulstone, Matt Hough, Frazer Woodhams, Ellie Lunt, Anna Tippelt, Jon Bingham, Christine Siddall, Suzi Vermiglio, Maddie Graham, Moni Parhar, Annie Imrie-Cook, Daniel Owen, David Swann, Alex Kirkham

Welcome to Sam, Anna, Christine, Suzi, Maddie, Moni, David who are all brand new to Simply and welcome back to Jamie, Neil and Darren who haven't performed with us for a little while!

Particular congratulations to Darren, Sarah, Fred and Issie on their first principal roles with us !

A really fresh and hugely talented line-up .... Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd...