Meet the Cast of Sweeney Todd: Maria Langford

"the Beggar Woman is one the only characters to initially sense something is wrong when Mrs. Lovett's pie shop begins to attract customers"

'Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street' runs from Thursday 15th September until Saturday 17th at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre, Woking - tickets are going fast. You can book now at our box office (and still get your choice of performance & seat!)

Maria in rehearsal (Photo courtesy of FRONT OF HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHY)

Maria in rehearsal (Photo courtesy of FRONT OF HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHY)

Your Name: Maria Langford

Character Name: Beggar Woman

Tell us about your character: She is a deranged homeless woman living around Judge Turpin's house and Fleet Street who tries to sell herself to Anthony and Sweeney. Despite the fact she is crazy, the Beggar Woman is one the only characters to initially sense something is wrong when Mrs. Lovett's pie shop begins to attract customers. She even tells the people on the street to get the police, but they ignore her. She is convinced from the outset that she knows Sweeney Todd.....

Your favourite lyric your character has: Sondheim has a gift for creating musical motifs and arrangements which reflect his characters and their stories. As she is a confused, crazy person her musical lines reflect that! With that in mind, lyrically she sings, ' would you like to fish me squiff, Mister?' among other choice phrases!

Maria (Photo courtesy of FRONT OF HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHY)

Maria (Photo courtesy of FRONT OF HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHY)

Everyone knows something of the Sweeney Todd story, but what extra do you think we will get from the Simply version of this Sondheim telling? There are morals and warnings all through the story, that's true. I hope the Simply version will bring out some real connections and relationships between the minor characters and the ensemble to support the central plot.

What’s your favourite song in the show and why? ‘By the Sea’ - It's funny and frivolous and allows the audience to connect and empathise with Sweeney in a humorous way as Mrs Lovett plans their life around him!

Maria in rehearsal (Photo courtesy of FRONT OF HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHY)

Maria in rehearsal (Photo courtesy of FRONT OF HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHY)

What other shows have you done? With Simply? Rent (2015) and Into the Woods (2013). I'm looking forward to participating in the sneak-peak of Simply's next production, ‘Urinetown’, as part of the 'Wells in Woking' Sci-fi drama collaboration on 22nd-24th September. I've also recently branched out into film this year, as a 'supporting artist' (background extra!). My first big screen appearance will be in 'Allied' which hits cinemas in November... Don't blink, you might miss me!

Has anything ever happened to you, on-stage, that wasn’t in the script? Hmmmm, plenty! It's what makes live theatre so much fun to do.

What are you enjoying most about being part of Simply Theatre? The people. There is always such a rapport created and there are always a mixture of new and familiar faces both on and off stage and the social side is always fun.

What else do you do besides singing, dancing & acting? Sleep and teach.