Meet The Cast: David Few-Cooper

Meet another of our Chorus - David Few-Cooper

"I ran across the stage in an animal print thong"

Name: David Few-Cooper

Character Name: Brad Ford

Tell us a bit about him: Brad Ford is a jock, he is arrogant and obnoxious and flirts with any woman in sight.

What’s your favourite song in the show and why?: Grease Lightning, it’s the song I grew up with and I used to sing it endlessly; it’s just a great song with a simple dance move and makes you want to get your groove on! (plus, I sang it at a talent show when I was 11 and WON! I was the only one who entered the competition though..)

What other shows have you been in?: I have been involved with 22 Musicals in the last 10 years, namely Les Miserables, Oliver and The Wizard of Oz (where I played the wizard)

Best or worst moment on stage: Too many bad moments on stage to mention, but the one that stands out was my only time on the Rhoda Mcgaw, where I ran across the stage in nothing but the tightest animal thong known to man. (Great image no?!)

Interesting Grease Fact #22: In the scene where the cast are near the bridge after the car race, the water on the ground was stagnant and dangerous. Some cast members became ill from filming as the setting was a derelict place full of dirt and rubbish.