Meet the Cast: Sonny! "I was pretty much making out with the Plant at the end"

….and now Sonny, played by Frazer Woodhams.

Name: Frazer Woodhams

Character Name: Dominic “Sonny” LaTierri

Tell us a bit about Sonny: One of the T-birds, considers himself as kind of a big deal. Thinks he’s a real ladies man, obviously that’s the main reason I got the part… but actually he’s very misguided and the only attention he gets from the opposite sex is when he’s being told off my Miss Lynch.

What’s your Favourite song in the show and Why?: Obviously it has to be the iconic “Greased Lightning”, its just great fun to sing and who doesn’t love the dance moves.

What other shows have you done: Footloose, Little Shop of Horrors, Into The Woods, Fame, West Side Story, Beauty and the Beast, Guys and Dolls, Oliver, the Wiz, Billy Elliot and Grease (twice)

Best and worst moment on stage: Worst moment was when I was playing Riff in West Side Story, 5 of the jets forgot to come on stage for the rumble, so myself and two others faced off against 8 sharks. Best moment was playing the mad scientist in little shop of horrors, and pretty much making out with the plant at the end.

Interesting Grease Fact #11: The original stage play of “Grease” has more sexual references than the censors would allow in the film. One of these was the use of clingfilm as a condom. The censors made the filmmakers take this out during production of the movie, but John Travolta found a sneaky way to put it back in. During the song “Greased Lightning” you can see Danny rubbing plastic wrap on his crotch during the dance number.