Meet the Cast of Rent: Sabrina Hinchliffe
/"I’ve always wanted to be on the stage. It’s an amazing feeling"
Rent has a vast array of characters, so many of our cast get to play multiple roles.
Name: Sabrina Hinchliffe
Character Name(s)/Role: I’m in the ensemble and play a couple of various roles.
In rehearsal, Sabrina (centre) with Alex Kirkham, Jamie McNicholas, Elly Fenton & Annie Imrie-Cook (Photo courtesy of Front of House Photography )
Tell us about your characters: I’m the Coat Vendor, who Angel believes brings her and Collins together. I’m also one of Maureen’s sassy back up singers.
Is there anything in your own life that helps you connect with your characters? Well, I’ve never sold a coat, but I have sold a few things on Ebay…
What’s your favourite song in the show and why? I love all of them! But if I had to pick, it would definitely be 'Take Me or Leave Me'. It’s full of attitude and performed amazingly by Maria and Frankie in the show.
What other shows have you done? I grew up in Hong Kong and haven’t done anything since I used to live there 8 years ago, so it’s been a while! In the past I’ve done a few plays, pantos and musicals, which include 'Fame' and' Footloose'. I also played Aslan in 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe'. The hair helped.
Can you recall a particularly memorable on-stage moment? When I was once in a production of The Witches, the other witches and I were frozen in position whilst some action happened downstage. About 10 seconds in, a gigantic piece of the set fell from the ceiling onto our heads! Wigs knocked off, cold soup everywhere... The show must go on!
Can you remember the first time you thought “I want to be in theatre”? I’ve always wanted to be on the stage. It’s an amazing feeling.
What are you enjoying most about being part of Simply Theatre? Getting back into performing and meeting some incredibly talented people. Everyone at Simply is so good at what they do and have been so welcoming. I get serious RENT withdrawals between rehearsals!
Is there room in your life for anything else apart from singing, dancing & acting? Netball has always been a huge part of my life. Although I don’t get a chance to play as much as I used to, I now coach as well as play, which ultimately led me into my career as a teacher.
Rent runs from Thursday 17th September until Saturday 19th at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre, Woking - go to our box office to book seats
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